More Ways To Help
Donating Appreciated Securities
By donating securities—like stocks or mutual funds—that have appreciated for more than a year, you are actually giving up to 20 percent more than if you sold the stock and then made a cash donation. The reason is simple: avoiding capital gains taxes. The maximum federal capital gains tax rate is 20 percent on long-term holdings. But if you donate the appreciated stock directly to a charity, there’s no capital gains tax to pay.
Plus, you are still eligible to deduct the full fair-market value of the security you donated from your income taxes, up to the overall amount allowed by the IRS. Since Nature of Wildworks is a non-profit 501(c)(3), no taxes are paid and all proceeds from the donated securities will go toward worthy projects and care of the animals. Check with your CPA or tax preparer regarding this unique way of giving and how it may benefit you.
Benefits of giving from your IRA:
Convenient. It’s an easy way to give to Nature of Wildworks.
Tax-wise. Distributions made directly to charity are not treated as taxable income.
This is advantageous even if you don’t itemize deductions on your tax returns!
Promises kept. Gifts from your IRA can be used to fulfill any charitable giving pledges previously made.
Impactful. Gifts are tax-free to Nature of Wildworks.
The entirety of your gift will go toward worthy projects and care for the animals.
Requirements of a Qualified Charitable Distribution:
You can give to Nature of Wildworks from your IRA without any federal tax liability, as long as the gifts are qualified charitable distributions (QCDs). Distributions qualify for all or part of your required minimum distribution (RMD). IRA holders must be age 70½ or older at the time of the gift. A single person may give up to $100,000 per year and a married couple may give up to $200,000 per year from separate accounts. Gifts must be outright gifts made directly to a charitable organization. Distributions may only be made from traditional IRAs or Roth IRAs; other retirement accounts are not eligible. Check with your CPA or tax preparer regarding this unique way of giving and how it may benefit you.
Our federal tax ID number is: 95-4624823